4 September 2012

Something Doesn't Feel Right

Something doesn't feel right... or maybe that's wrong.  It's more like something doesn't feel well.

The past two weeks my chest has been really tight and I've been quite lethargic.  I haven't exercised regularly for almost six weeks, the result of out-of-town guests, vacation, getting the kids back to school and a general busy-ness.

I have had a stomach ache off and on for five days.  I think it's because of my diet, but I'm not sure.  I'm laying off raw veggies for a few days and also the hard to digest root veggies.

This morning I woke up with a killer headache, centered behind my left eye socket.

So I'm not feeling well.  And I know what I have to do, but it's really hard right now to embrace the walking like I have in the past.  I feel yucky, much like I did during chemo, like nothing works right and all I want to do is lay in bed.

So I'm going to put on a pair of sweats and go for a walk now  It's long overdue and it's what I need to be doing.  

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