18 October 2011

First Chemo

I am doing a brief post to just say that chemo went really well for me today.  I tolerated both drugs swimmingly and had no adverse reactions.  The prep drugs I took yesterday and then the pre-drugs I took today agitated me so I've had very little sleep.  I couldn't sleep last night, nor did I nod off during treatment.  I had a headache going in and took 800 mg of ibuprofen which knocked it out.  I think the headache was from being so tired. I'm about to take another dose.  When I got home I ate a light meal of noodle soup, popped a tranquelizer and laid down for a 3 hour rest.  I just ate dinner and I'm headed back to bed.  I'll detail more tomorrow.

But for now - one down, three to go.


  1. That’s not what i heard. ;)) It was reported that you had pie before bed this afternoon. Love you and glad you’re feeling good so far.

  2. Robyn, you are my hero! You're doing so well, I know this has been a long process and painful and scary. You amaze me. It's ok to get upset and depressed when you are down. But what I see most of the time is a fighter, a super hero who is going to come out on top after the process is over. Hang in there! Love, Molly and all


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