10 September 2011

Men and (Womens') Breast Cancer Part 3

I feel the need to wrap this thought up, even 'though it's far from worked out in my mind. I just don't want it hanging out there and I feel like I'll have to do much more research to finalize my thoughts on it. I mentioned how men don't talk to me about this, not even good friends. A friend commented that guys just don't operate like that but I think that is way too generalized. I know many compassionate men who reach out to others in times of need. So while my first two posts on this subject focused more on men and breast cancer, this one moves more towards men and how they react to women who have breast cancer.

Men are just uncomfortable talking/thinking about breasts if not in the context with which they are familiar. Boobs are synonymous with sexy. Breasts have been completely sexualized - so much so, that breastfeeding is frowned upon in public and gives some people the heebie-jeebies when they see it. (Yes, I was quite the lactivist.) I think this is all tied into the (hypocritical) puritanical stance our culture has towards sex. Good gracious, even the word titillate will make grown men snicker. I have such a hard time understanding why it's ok for teens to see people blown to pieces, but if a naughty bit is shown the moral majority goes ape-shit. And yet the sexualization of women is encouraged to the point of ridiculousness. Take a look at this picture. How does this happen? Who could possibly think this is a good idea?

And what's up with associating sex with 'naughty bits', 'dirty', 'nasty' etc. Do you know how hard it is to teach a seven year old girl to love her body, (but only in private because we don't do that in public?) Talk about mixed messages. And don't even get me started on padded bikini bra tops and thong underwear for 8 year olds.

Too many ideas swirling in my head - not enough brain power to sort them out. 'Nuff said.

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