6 Days Shy
I am now 6 days shy of the one year anniversary of my last chemo treatment. While it would be slightly cleaner for me to wait for a milestone anniversary, I'm feeling the need to move on tonight.
Again I want to thank my friends and family, without whose support I don't think I could have made it through the past 17 months. The first five were really a bitch. The last year hasn't been so very easy either. But I've emerged stronger and healthier than when I began my journey. (Although arguably incomplete.)
I still wear hats. Mostly all the time in the cold. Because my hair is still so thin and short, my head gets cold. Rest assured that the hats that didn't make the cut made their way to people who would appreciate them. Some were dropped off at my oncology office, other warmer ones, were part of a local hat/coat/glove drive.
I still need a little surgery to tweak the left foob, which is decidedly square. Not sure I'll ever get to it as it's undetectable under clothes, and I'm quite sure my unfulfilled career as a nude model is off the table. I see my Oncologist three times a year to say hi and complain about hot flashes, and I see my Surgeon twice a year to see how her baby is doing.
I am slowly forging ahead with stuff. Two steps forward, one step back. I hit the gym hard through the fall, and managed to build a little muscle, run a 5K and drop a little body fat. I'm now hunkering down for the winter, having blown my wad of physical motivation. I'm registered at a community college for a GIS (Geographical Information Systems) technical certificate so I can actually get a job. I'm working through diet issues, trying to find a balance between healthy and yummy, as well as weeding out bat-shiat crazy ideas. Not sure where I'll end up on that yet, as most the stuff I read all contradicts most of the other stuff I read. Paleo is working for me now, but who knows what I'll feel like in 6 months.
People ask how I'm doing, as in "How's that cancer thing going?" and I'm not sure how to answer. Because I thankfully was only stage 2, (pre-metastasis,) I'm not really monitored, and I don't get scans, and there's no way to ascertain how that cancer thing IS going. So lately I just say I'm feeling pretty good.
So now that I really don't have much to say about cancer, I feel it's time to switch my blog over to un-cancer related ideas I have swirling in my head.
So I'll be re-introducing myself shortly, and re-designing my blog, and finally moving forward.