1 May 2012

No Internal Censor?

Dan often remarks that I have no internal censor and should run certain things by him.  Instead I'm going to ask you to vote via poll at the bottom of this post.

I do not have a before picture* of my boobs, and while I do have some photos of them in progress, I do not have a very good progression showing the construction process.  What I do have is an opportunity to photograph them now that they are pretty well done.  They may need some more work but the incisions are in good shape and the implants are approaching the vicinity where they are supposed to be.

*(Side bar) I thought about having pictures done before my surgery but ultimately let it slide.  I did not realize I would miss my boobs, nor did I think I would want a reminder of what was there.  The cancer was showing in that my nipple pointed left while the rest of me pointed right.  I am not one to really look back once I've made up my mind so I just moved forward without documentation.

Do I really want a picture of my foobs on the intarwebs?  This is a loaded question.  On the one hand, I don't feel like they are mine.  To me, the skin flaps stretched from my neck and ribcage and sewn together over my pec muscles, then stretched and filled with silicone, don't resonate as private parts.  On the other hand, how do I reclaim them as such if I don't treat them as though they were?  It's kind of a tough call for me.  Do I expose them in the name of science, (or in this case, interest?) Or fake it 'til I make it?  (Will I ever make it?  Will they ever feel like they are a part of me instead of some aliens hanging off my chest?) Please vote and let me know what you think.  Thanks!

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